
I’am Frank’s Alter Ego and I will be guiding you throughout this site. The reason Frank’s Alter ego is a turtle is because when He was eleven He moved to the Navajo Nation, living in Chinle, Arizona. All His Navajo friends called Him Ch´ééh digháhíí, which means Turtle. He was slow and philosophical like a turtle, and in their lore the turtle represents Mother Earth. Mothers are wise, and spiritual. He didn’t know then that the name would define his life. Now after a lifetime of seeking Wisdom it seems it was preordained. So, the purpose of this site is to pass on that "wisdom" He spent a life seeking. At 18, in 1960 his dad challenged him to “seek wisdom.” He took this literally as His Calling, and sixty years later this web site is the result of that search. For the rest Ofrank's story Go Here
Real Magic
Most people are oblivious of the fact that the equivalent, coin though a glass table illusion, is happing for real in their cell phones every time they make a call, and in every atom in the Universe every nano second of everyday. In science it is called a quantum jump. A quantum jump happen when something disappears from one place and then reappears instantaneous in anther place with-out traveling through the space between the two places. Imposable you say! Well, you say that because it is outside your experience, i.e, your paradigm. Therefore your belief is based on your everyday experiences since your first birthday. Paradigm die hard because your experiences get hard wired into your brain, but if you are ready to go beyond your programing, start with understanding Paradigms and then read Science into Spirit.
If you would like to understand ways to make your life better, and understand everyday reality better, go to Turtle Wisdom. Then there is a section of Stories I and other have written, and the some for Poems. Then there is a section with the Books I’ve written.
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