Narcissistic .One of the command traits of both psychopaths and sociopath is that they are narcissistic. Children, until around age four, are in a sense narcissistic in that they believe that the world rotates around them, and have not yet learned empathy. Children who mature past age four start to develop social ethics and an empathy for others outside their circle of friends; called social empathy, or being socially mature. Understand that their good come from the society they are in. By teaching social empathy in the early school ages it may be possible to prevent some sociopaths. In fact, in some schools this is now being done, and is called “Emotional Intelligence (EQ).” Because the terms psychopath and sociopath are often used interchangeably due to their similar antisocial behavior, they are difficult to tell apart on the surface, and it’s hard to know if they are born that way or not, so I will mostly just call them psychopaths for convenience. It is the psychopaths and sociopaths who are the core problem to society but psychopaths are more likely to manipulate or con more people than the sociopath, who are often just criminals, and do petty crimes.