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The Rise of the American Oligarchy

1776-1933 The US economic system was based on Adam Smith’s work — based on village economics. Village economics had a build in ethical balance. Smith never dreamed of today’s corporate conglomerate, which attracts and promote sociopathic wealth and greed, so today the Free market idea is absurd, and this was a fact by the time of the Great Depress.

1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was Elected president with the promos to pull us out of Great Depression, and to pass needed legation and controls on corporations to prevent anther depression. Corporate leaders saw this as a threat to their wealth and begin an all out war to destroy FDR.

1950s To prevent anther FDR in the future they decide that they must destroy the US government, and take full control of the economy. To do that Robert Welch Jr. and Fred Koch formed the John Birch Society, using the fear of communism to build a voting block, and a Virginia economies professor, James Buchanan, starts a school to teach the subversive tactics that where used by Russian dictator Lenin to take control of the Russian government.

1970s Fred Koch’s son Charles Koch jones Buchanan. They organize corporate American corporate leaders into a syndicate, and Buchanan pens an amendment to put into the US Constitution, giving corporate America full control over the US economy. Koch buys the National Rifle Association (NRA) to turn into a voting block, and pumps money into right wing religious organizations for anther voting block, working through the Republican party. They them set out to divid American though propaganda campaigns and subversion.

1980 The syndicate gets Ronald Reagan elected president, and he starts to implement the Corporate wish list, and Buchanan spends a week with the Chilean dictate Augusto Pinochet showing him how to add Buchanan’s amendment into the Chilean Constitution, giving the wealthy control over Chile. This destroys Chilean economy, but is see as a great success by the syndicate.

1990 Koch takes control of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) with the mission to take control of state legislatures. Koch’s corporate organization grows to an estimated 400 members, with secret meeting twice a year.

2013 French economist Thomas Piketty publishes study of world economy, and is shocked at the control Corporate America have over America, calling them the oligarchy. Buchanan dies leaving all his files unattended. Historian Nancy MacLean, happens across his files and confirms Oligarchies plan to take control of the US Government. She publishes book called “Democracy In Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth plan to take control of America”

2016 Donald Trump takes advantage of Oligarchy’s propaganda campaign and become President. Makes deal to work with the Oligarchy.

2024 Oligarchy publishes 1000 page book out lining their plans to take control of the American government.States legislatures may pick an electoral collage that ignores the Vote in favor of the Republican nominee.