Wise Turtle of Sophia Lake, talk about Good & Evil.
And O. Turtle answered:
I now believe that Good and Evil are real forces in nature.
For most of my life I believed that evil was just a concept of created bad behavior, or behavior that hurt others. Thus there was no true evil in the world, only people who learned to do evil things. Thus one should be able with the right information and tools to rehabilitate the person doing the evil things, i.e. it wasn’t their fault, the evil was just learned. In most cases this is still true.
However now that I have studied psychopaths, who are born with zero empathy, who see other people as just objects to be used, I believe they are evil spirits here in human form.
Good must then be a real force in nature as is Love. It only makes sense that good and evil are two ends of a spectrum, and real beyond just behavior. That does not mean that a lot of evil acts are not learned behavior, and can be rehabilitated.
I question this common belief that we all have both good and evil in us. Certainly we all have the potential for violence when faced with self-defense. But is that evil? The evil we have in us is learned from the environment. The more loving the environment one is raised in, the less evil is programmed into them.