Wise Turtle of Sophia Lake, talk about Free Will
And O. Turtle answered:
Ask an old scientist who was trained in the 20th century if humans have freewill and he will most likly say no. Freewill is just an illusion-he will say, all life is just a machine programed by the environment. The only thing that exists is dead matter, which happened to come into existence by a chemical imbalance. Humans are just robots.
Scientists who still believe this are called materialists by philosophers. This is because the best information they had from their old training says this must be the case.
But at the start of the twentieth century it was found that the old machine laws of the 19th century weren’t able to explain radiation, and many other things and a new science emerged called quantum science.
Today quantum science shows that matter itself is not real as we perceive it. It is some kind of illusion, and Consciousness, which was believed to come from the programing in the brain is the only thing that is real. It is clear today that we are not robots and all matter is alive because all matter is a part of Consciousness, which is alive. Where we still spend most of our lives being robot like, we do have the freewill to change our robot programming and so do have freewill.