




Wise Turtle of Sophia Lake, talk about sex.






And O. Turtle answered:

Where most people in the West believe that the purpose of sex is to procreate life, and the pleasure of sex is secondary, this ideal is not true. Pleasure is also its purpose. We in the West need to stop separating everything into either/or. All reality is a synergism. If we are all-one as the East and quantum science now teaches us, then everything is synergism. Procreate/pleasure are both equally important, and have always existed together. Pleasuring is an important part of life, and using sex for pleasuring is healthy; whether it is with ones-self, or others. The only rule is all partners must be adults, consent, and not have the potential for physical or mental harm.

There is nothing wrong with making a living with sex, as long as a set of health and ethical guidelines are followed. Sadly the guidelines are mostly not followed, and thus the sex industry must be regulated. Society must start recognizing that sex workers need to be respected just like any other profession is.