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The Real Santa for Older Children.
The year is 2001. Satellite photos and infra red scans show no evidence of life at the North Pole. In Denver Colorado, at the Westminster Mall, a boy and girl stand in line with their father to see Santa Claus.
“ There is no such thing as a real Santa Claus!”
“You’re just saying that to be mean. See, there he is.”
“OK then, we’ll ask dad. He’ll tell you that’s just a man dressed up like Santa Claus; Hey Dad----Daaad .“
“Yes, Daniella, what do you want?’
“Tell Jeffery there is no such a thing as a real Santa Claus!”
“Well,---I’m afraid that I can’t do that.”
“Well why not? Anyone can see that’s a fake beard on that man who is just pretending to be Santa.”
“ Your right, Daniella, he does have a fake beard but that does not prove that he is or isn’t a real Santa Claus.”
“Come on dad, I’m almost nine, and you don’t have to pretend with me anymore.”
“I’m not pretending, it is very complex, and it depends on whether or not that Santa has been to the one and only Santa School. If he has been to the real Santa School then he is channeling the real Santa.”
“What are you talking about? Dad, what’s channeling? The only channeling I know is surfing thought the channels on the TV.”
“Sit down on the bench over here and I’ll explain. You too Jeffery, come here and sit. A number of years ago, just after you were born, and when Jeffery was just a twinkle in our eye, we didn’t have any money to pay the doctor that helped you be born so I took a job playing Santa.”
“Daddy, where was I when Daniella was born, why wasn’t I born too?”
“You were still in heaven and not born yet. Try not to interrupt my story OK.”
“As I was saying, I was going to play Santa to make some extra money to help pay for Daniella’s birth, and I was told that I had to go to Santa School to became a real Santa. Like you Daniella, I did not believe that there was such a thing as a real Santa, but, I thought it would be fun so I said yes. When I got to the school I was surprised to find that the teacher looked a lot like the Mrs. Claus that you see in picture books. Then I was even more surprised by what she said.”
“What was that Dad”?
“Hang in there, this is a long story. Anyhow, she said that she was going to teach us how to act like Santa so that we could become Santa. This seemed to me like a strange thing to say but I decided to play along and just see what happened. She said that some of the things that we have heard about Santa were true and some things were not true, so it was important for us to know what was true and what was not. Santa was born in 701 AD”
“What does AD mean Dad?”
“Well Daniella, it means after the time of Jesus some king started counting the year from his birth date and it had been 701 years. On with my story. The teacher then said that no one knows where Santa came from because he was found on the doorstep by an elderly couple who had been praying for a child. The couple thought that it was such a miracle that they decided to make a new word for his name so they combined their two names and came up with a new name, Santa.”
“Dad, what were their two names?”
“His name was Sandy and her name was Tasha. Anyhow, someone in the class then raised his hand and asked the teacher how she could be sure these were the real facts. She then said that she knows because she was the 187th descendent of Mrs. Santa Claus. Well, let me tell you, there was this o-o-o-h sound over the class and then silence for a long time. Then someone asked how she knew that? She said that she had a book that had a written genealogy and everything that she learned she had learned from her mother and her mother had learned it from her mother all the way back to the first Mrs. Claus. Someone in the class then said if that was true, what was the first Mrs. Claus’s name, and without hesitation, the teacher said the first Mrs. Claus’s name was Anwyn.”
“Daddy, what is a de-cend-ant?”
“Well Jeffery, you mean ‘descendent’. Ok let’s see, you know how you have a grandma and your grandma has a mother that is your great grandma?”
“The grandmas are your ancestors and you are their descendent. If you were to keep adding lots and lots of new great grandmas, each time you added a new great grandma you would be adding another ancestor and you would be their descendent. Do you understand now?”
“I think so”
“Well, let’s go on. After the class got over the surprise of the teacher being a descendent of Mrs. Claus she told us more about Santa Claus’s life. She said that Santa did build a toy factory in the North Pole but most of the year he sold his toys to shops and made lots of money. Then on Christmas Eve he would visit a number of towns and leave toys on the doorstep of all the children’s homes. She said that the story of Rudolph was also somewhat true. Rudolph was the lead reindeer and on stormy nights Santa mounted a pair of lanterns on Rudolph’s harness so Rudolph could see to lead the sleigh. She said that a combination of the glow of the lanterns and the cold made Rudolph’s nose look like it was glowing red.”
“But Daddy, I though that Reindeer flew.”
“Well, she explained that too. She said that Santa got so good at delivering toys on Christmas Eve everyone was amazed and they said that he must be magic. They also said his reindeer must have flown around his route. Even with this amazing number of deliveries Santa was not satisfied and tried to organize a group of volunteers called the Santa’s helper group, but this still didn’t satisfy him. Then after a number of years of looking for a way to get even more toys to children he hit upon the channeling idea. Santa knew that he was getting old and didn’t have a son to carry on after him. He knew that it was up to his only daughter to carry on, but in 701 AD the law would not let his daughter run the toy factory. He also realized that if he was a spirit he could be everywhere at once.
He then took his daughter aside and explained his plan. In the last year of his life he would sell the toy factory and put the money in a special bank account. His daughter could then live off of this bank account and travel around the world training new Santas. Once the new Santas were trained Santa's spirit would enter their mind and tell them what to say. This way Santa could talk to thousands of children at once. And that’s the way it has been for over 1,200 years.
Because Santa’s first daughter had a number of daughters of her own and they each had a number of daughters there are now thousands of Santa’s descendents around the world training good hearted men how to let the real Santa speak through them and it is called channeling.”
“Wow, so that Santa over there with the fake beard could really be Santa?”
“But Dad, how can you tell if it is one of the real Santas?”
“That’s easier than you might think. Just look for an old-fashioned door key hooked to their belt. You see, that key is made of a special metal that was designed by the first Santa. The metal vibrates in a special way and helps channel the spirit of Santa.”