Laughing Turtle
When Frank was in
middle School
His classmates called him
He Hated it.
True, he read slowl
A victim of
Dyslexia. Neither he nor his
Classmates had any knowledge
Of this malady. But then
Would it have
Mattered to them?
His mother said
“No point in being up tight.
Reason says it’s time for
From her jewelry box
She took this turtle brooch
And pinned it on his cap.
“There.” she prescribed.
“Turtle is your sign. Truly
It will work a magic for you”
The cliche goes that a turtle makes
Only when he puts his head out.
Turtle did. Slow but sure he
Mastered college and even
completed graduate school—
And more.
Where are those classmates now?
I know not.
Turtle is a Psychologist, and
When he remembers Middle School
He laughs out loud.
Overton Love Turner. Jr.
June 1990