I personally don’t see what difference it makes if the empathy is zero or somewhere just about zero. The destructive behavior to society is still egregious, so that would mean that we have well over six million people in the US who have extremely destructive anti-social behavior, many out to seek power and create cults. Any one of these individuals would be totally uncaring and ruthless, and if given the chance to control a government or group would be devastating to society. One can’t know if an authoritarian leader in history is a psychopath or a sociopath, but I am betting most authoritarian leaders are psychopaths. So, going back in history to test some leader to see if he/she is a psychopath or sociopath is not possible. So, please be tolerant when I call all authoritarian leaders psychopaths. I am not making clinical diagnoses. I feel their despicable behavior deserves that title. Now, where are all of these psychopaths? One Australian study11 found that twenty percent of corporate CEOs were psychopaths (20%!!!), and about the same percent of lawyers! 11 It was also found that about twenty percent of the prison population might also be psychopaths. Thus, as you will see soon, without any doubt in my mind, this also applies to Wall Street investors, military leaders, government leaders, CIA, and FBI. Also an extremely high percent are for sure the wealthy. I’m betting much much higher than twenty percent, because psychopaths would integrate toward wealth, and as you will see soon wealth itself has some disturbing consequences for some peoples psychology. Here is a ND divided by thirds. In Hitler's Germany 1/3 where Hitler's cult, then 1/3 where neutral; didn't get involved, and the last 1/3 where the underground who fight Hitler. We see the some picture here in the US. If you want to know more read my book "Stop the Psychopaths: the Stealth Plan to Amend the U.S. Constitution"