This is shocking! By putting conservatives with the psychopaths on the same normal distribution it show clearly how close conservatives are to the psychopaths. So let see where all the psychopaths are. The American Psychological Association (APA) estimates that around one to two percent of all males are born as psychopaths; so I will call it 1.5 percent. So if you were plotting empathy on the Normal Distribution they would be on the left with zero empathy. This would mean that there are well over a million adult male psychopaths in the US. Sociopaths then add about four million more above the psychopaths on the Normal Distribution who also have extremely low empathy. Which would put them one deviations below the mean . If you include women psychopaths, who are not as prominent, they are about 0.3 to 0.7 percent compared to males. If you add women then the number of destructive people would be even higher. Where female psychopaths can be just as destructive as males, if given the chance, in modern times they haven’t been able to reach the levels of power that men do; this seems to be changing. I think this number maybe wrong, but we don't know what it is. So this zero empathy of psychopaths to the lower empathy of the sociopath's would then range from zero as the scale goes up to around six percent of male adults who have very little to no empathy. Then if you add the Trump cult of thirty percent. We have forty percent of American's one third of all American's totally self-centered and working against our society and founding principles. This is very bad for a society based on fairness. A free society without empathy is not possible, thus empathy is key to a good working society.