#4 Locality
Wouldn't it be strange if when you tapped the yellow billiard ball with the cue stick the red one moved instead, or at the same time? If that were to happen it would be called Non-Local action. You hit a ball here but a ball over there moves - called “Action at a distance.” In everyday experience everything always happens locally, never at a distance.
Another way to talk about locality is to say “everything is bound by time.” Because the time we experience is one event after another, each event touches that next event, thus it is in the same location. ”One can never jump from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM without going to 9:00 PM and then 10:00 PM first. So Event Time, the time we experience, is local. Where these four law are our everyday experience they are just part of the illusion of physical reality, and are not true the True reality according to quantum science.